How to choose the appropriate
pitch for my LED display?

To determine the appropriate pitch for an LED display for advertising purposes, you should consider several factors:

1. Viewing distance:

The ideal viewing distance for the LED screen is determined by the pixel pitch. Generally, for each millimeter in a pixel pitch, there should be at least one meter of viewing distance. For example, for a 6mm pixel pitch, the ideal viewing distance is six meters or more. The closer the viewing distance, the smaller the pixel pitch should be to deliver optimal image quality.

2. Screen size:

Larger screens often require larger pitches to maintain a reasonable pixel count without making the screen excessively expensive. Smaller pitches will give you a higher resolution on a smaller screen, while larger pitches will allow for larger screens with lower costs.

choose the appropriate pitch for my LED display

3. Content type:

If your advertising content mainly consists of text and logos, a larger pitch may suffice. However, if you need to display high-quality images or videos with fine details, a smaller pitch will provide better resolution and clarity.

4. Viewing angle:

A wider viewing angle allows for better visibility at different angles, which might require you to choose a screen with a smaller pitch. Screens with smaller pitch usually have better consistency and uniformity in color and brightness at wider angles.

choose the appropriate pitch for your LED display

5. Budget:

Smaller pitch screens tend to be more expensive due to the higher number of LEDs required. If you have a limited budget, you may need to compromise on pitch size to accommodate the necessary screen,Common pixel pitch ranges for outdoor advertising LED screens are P4mm, P5mm, P6mm, P8mm and P10mm, and for indoor P1.25mm, P1.56mm, P1.87mm, P2mm, P2.5mm, P3mm, P3.91mm would be good for different view distance LED cases.


Choosing different pitch LED display depends on different needs, if you have LED display project need our help, please contact us, we will provide you with a complete project solution. 

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