Ultra-high-definition display and speed up LED micro-pitch into the mainstream

At the beginning of this year, six departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China jointly issued the “Guidelines for the Implementation of “One Hundred Cities and One Thousand Screens” activities, which accelerated the integration and innovation of ultra-high-definition audio and video in various aspects, and gave birth to new technologies, new formats and new models. On June 6, Shenzhen released the “Ultra HD Video Display Industry Cluster Action Plan (2022-2025)”, proposing to accelerate the development of ultra-high-definition video display industry clusters, promote the industry to move to the high end of the value chain, seize the commanding heights of the industry, and build new industrial advantages . In the first half of this year, Zhengzhou, Sichuan, Chengdu and other cities have successively introduced relevant support policies, and the development of the ultra-high-definition display industry has been accelerated again.

As one of the mainstream technologies of ultra-high-definition display, LED micro-pitch is gradually infiltrating the commercial display market with the advantages of technology, scale and cost, helping the rapid development of the ultra-high-definition display industry. As a leader in LED display packaging, Nationstar has seized the opportunity. At present, the RGB device business unit has formed a leading technology and a mature product system, which can provide customers with customized display device solutions.

CHIP 1010 Ultra HD big screen ace weapon 

Nationstar mini LED

In the field of LED display packaging, after more than ten years of market competition and process polishing, Nationstar LED RGB products are favored by the market, especially CHIP 1010 has become one of the most suitable and widely used small-pitch products in the current market. , firmly occupy the king’s position in the field of LED high-definition display.

Quality control

Quality is the foundation of a product. Nationstar CHIP 1010 has undergone many years of severe market tests, and has always been continuously improved from the two aspects of product structure and process control to solve the pain points of market quality. The product uses BT resin as an insulating carrier, and is processed by a complete set of planar processes such as electroplating and etching to avoid the problem of uneven pads and ensure that the pins of the CHIP structure are flat. Partial consistency control, comprehensively improve product quality, and solve problems such as chromatic aberration.

Comprehensive cost

Nationstar LED RGB Device Division has always been customer-centric, continuously reducing comprehensive costs, and winning greater value for customers. On the one hand, it improves the placement efficiency and process yield, and reduces the cost of downstream applications; on the other hand, it continuously expands the production capacity advantage of CHIP 1010, expands production and increases efficiency, and spreads the production cost evenly.

Core technology

CHIP 1010 has packaging carrier technology derived from IC semiconductor technology. As the underlying technology of MIP and IMD Mini LED, it can support the requirements of continuous downward miniaturization of dot pitch, and has a stronger life cycle.

Nationstar mini LED 2

– Best track for commercialization of IMD Mini LED –

With the continuous expansion of display application scenarios, further driving technology upgrades, facing the technological watershed, Nationstar LED RGB Device Division, with years of market experience and in-depth grasp of the industry chain, took the lead in proposing Mini LED IMD in the field of Mini LED display. Technical solutions. IMD technical solution innovation adopts “N-in-1” integrated matrix package. The “N-in-1” device design combines the advantages of traditional SMD and COB, avoids problems such as difficult process, product yield and cost, and improves product appearance consistency. And performance has been balanced and unified, and it has outstanding performance in display effect, reliability, large-scale mass production and cost performance.

In recent years, the company has also launched Mini LED family products with good reputation in terms of technology and quality. The product layout covers P1.5~P0.4, which can meet the needs of 2K/4K/8K from 81 inches to 162 inches. Among them, the IMD-M09 standard version is the king of high cost performance in the market. Once it is listed, it quickly becomes the “core backbone” of the ultra-high-definition display products of downstream screen companies.

The large screen of the control room of the Olympic Sports Center of the Western Security Games

Adopt Nationstar LED CHIP 1010 core device

The largest and highest resolution LED electronic screen in domestic subway stations

Nationstar mini LED 3

Adopt Nationstar LED MIni LED IMD-F15 core device

The ultra-high-definition display is advancing rapidly, and Nationstar will focus on more display markets, with more reliable and more suitable products and technologies, and together with industry chain partners to promote the commercialization of ultra-high-definition displays and build the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area The ultra-high-definition display industry cluster of China will contribute more to the development of China’s ultra-high-definition display industry.

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